Hellingly & Horsebridge

Hellingly & Horsebridge newsHellingly & Horsebridge news
Hellingly & Horsebridge news
HELLINGLY CHURCH: The services leading up to and including Christmas Day are as follows: Sunday 18 December - 6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols by candlelight (bring a torch). Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 '“ Hellingly School Carols 6pm. Carol Singing around Hellingly on Wednesday 21 December 6pm, meet at Hellingly church and bring a torch. Saturday 24 December Christmas Eve - 5.45 pm Children's Service, 11.30 pm Midnight Communion, Sunday 25 December Christmas Day - 10.45 am Holy Communion.

FOODBANK: The Hellingly Distribution point has now been moved to the Hailsham site on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.

HELLINGLY PARISH COUNCIL: At a recent meeting a member of the public raised a concern about the A271 through Horsebridge and the fact that articulated lorries are driving through in the early hours of the morning causing vibration in the houses. It was explained that it would not be possible to restrict such vehicles using this road, but a request would be made once again to East Sussex County Council to consider putting up directional signs diverting such traffic down the A22 instead.

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Playground at the Country Park – Persimmon had now been notified that the final playground at the Country Park was not required. WDC agreed. Persimmon to give money to the PC so the work can be carried out when location and equipment agreed. There had been a suggestion for the Community Hall site. WDC were happy for gym equipment in the Park instead. Persimmon to pay for it and the Council to install the equipment.

Hellingly Country Park and Roebuck Park - PC approved proposed landscaping for the Community Hall. Drawings to be shared with residents of Roebuck Park. Since additional bins put in the Park there was less rubbish around. The new Groundsman had also done a good job in clearing the rubbish from the Park.

HOLY TRINITY: Upper Dicker church: Saturday 24 December Christmas Eve 4.15 pm Children’s Service. Sunday 25 December Christmas Day 9.15 am Holy Communion.

RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: The next DRA meeting is on Thursday 26 January at Dicker Village Hall. Dicker Village Hall Trust Cttee AGM evening of Thursday 2 February at the Hall.

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HIGHWAYS: At the recent Arlington Parish Council meeting the draft minutes reported that there were no new updates from SAGA. The cost of the sign at Bayley’s Lane is correct. The PC has asked ESCC for costings to reduce the speed limit through Arlington Village. Concerning the A27 Consultation, Councillors resolved to make the following response: ‘The Council welcomes the Highways England proposals in terms of improving road safety at the various junctions serving Arlington Parish but regrets the missed opportunity to significantly improve the local road infrastructure in the light of the emerging Wealden Local Plan’. Concerning the drainage solution for Michelham Priory Road the Highway Steward, went to site in August they are looking into the matter, and will provide an update in due course. Maresfield PC is asking if other PCs have any road safety issues with the A22 to consider having some joined up thinking and responses to the Wealden Local Plan. They feel the impact of development on the A22 is not being given enough consideration. This PC agreed the two main issues they have are the Golden Cross junction from Laughton and the junction at Coldharbour Road. The Clerk will let Maresfield know and consider working together when the revised Wealden Local Plan is known.

MICHELHAM PRIORY: Christmas at the Priory is this Saturday and Sunday and promises Festive fun for all the family with children’s crafts, a trail and more. Visit Father Christmas between 11am and 4pm. There is an additional charge.

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