Stay for my generation

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We are now less than 100 days from the historic decision to be made by the British people on our future relationship with Europe but the arguments being made by the leave campaigns have become increasingly muddled.

Nigel Farage seems to want to take us back to an imaginary golden age. 

A few weeks ago, Boris Johnson was agonising over which side to support and now he sees no dangers whatsoever in leaving, and says doing so would lead to a ‘bright, bright future’.

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The Brexiters accuse the in campaigners of using project fear whilst they seem to just have their fantasies.

They are very much living in the past by calling up all the old Commonwealth ties and imagining that the complex of countries spread across the world could somehow easily substitute for the massive trading entity next door to us in the EU.

They fail to spell out how we are going to get to this supposed land of milk and honey.

There have been various suggestions so far – ‘be like Switzerland’, and when that fails, arguments are put up against that, ‘well, be like Norway’ until that too has been shot down.

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‘Be like Canada’ is the next suggestion, carefully omitting that it has taken seven years for Canada to negotiate a free trade agreement which does not cover all goods and services Canada want to export.

Do you really think that our nation of 60 million consumers could negotiate a better trade deal with third countries than a community of 500 million consumers?

So it’s little wonder that the message from businesses of all sizes across the country is so resounding – a poll published last week by the CBI shows 80 per cent of their members think being in the EU is best for their business and it necessarily follows best for our jobs.

On June 23, we face the biggest decision any of us will ever make about the future of our economy and our country – leave, or remain.

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It is a choice that will have profound implications for jobs, growth and living standards.

Our children and our grandchildren will live with the consequences of that decision, as a 22-year-old I can only stress how important it is for my generation and the generations of those to come that we stay in the EU!

Joel Kemp

Colebrooke Road


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