Did you know that the addition of a leaf to the Remembrance poppy was not made until 1995

A poppy with leafA poppy with leaf
A poppy with leaf
From: Andy Ralph, Mount Pleasant Road, Hastings

I feel I am being a bit pedantic but I wanted to correct a misconception made by a writer in the letters in your 12th November issue.

The addition of a leaf to the poppy was not made until 1995, although you could purchase a leaf separately from British Legion collectors since the 1960s. The original purpose of the leaves was to make a poppy spray, rather than having a full poppy wreath.

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In Scotland, the poppy is still sold without a leaf, as designed by Lady Haig, to be a more correct botanical representation.

Wearing the leaf at 11 o’clock is a choice that is up to the individual wearer.

According to Royal British Legion, the only criterion for wearing a poppy is to “Wear it with pride.”

I think that they should know, if anyone does.

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