
Robertsbridge Film Show: is tonight Friday 18th May at Robertsbridge Hall, the film this month is Barnum. Doors open at 7pm for the film to start at 7.30pm.

Robertsbridge Branch of the Royal British Legion: is holding a Quiz tonight Friday 18th at the Church Hall in Fair Lane. Teams of 6, £7 per person to include a ploughman’s supper. Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

St Mary’s Salehurst: start this Pentecost Sunday May 20th with Holy Communion at the Church Hall at 9am. There will be Matins at 11am at Salehurst. There will be a later service at Holy Trinity in Hurst Green with All Age Service at 4pm. If you require a lift please contact Rev. Annette on 880282. The children’s Sunday Club will meet this week during the 11am service; this is for Primary Aged Children and is held in the vestry at the front of the church. The children will join their families just before the end of service. A couple of reminders about things going on outside the church. Every Monday evening a home group meets at 1 Post Office Terrace, Salehurst. This is an evening of encouragement, discussion and prayer. If you would like to know more please contact 0776983337. If you need a chat or a listening ear then Rev. Annette can be found at Robertsbridge Club every 1st and 3rd Thursday between 9.30am – 11.30am. Also on the 3rd Thursday she can be found at the Salehurst Halt between 12 and 1pm.

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