Seaview Carol Concert, review: St John the Evangelist, St Leonards, December 7

Seaview Carol ConcertSeaview Carol Concert
Seaview Carol Concert
Seaview Carol Concerts really do get better and better each year.

I know I am biased but this year’s was certainly vintage.

After Father David’s familiar warm up act, Sound Waves Community Choir brought us four familiar carols in rousing settings. The Ragged Friends Chorale – a new one on me – excelled with a cappella arrangements of Little Cradle Rocks, The Sailor’s Carol and May your cup always be full – lovely numbers that I would like to know better.

Shadey Pines are an all-female group who brought the visiting singers’ contributions to a close with Lean on Me. In between we had heard briefly from Trustee Duncan Tree, Seaview CO Dave Perry and the Mayor, Cllr Nigel Sinden, extolling the extraordinary work undertaken at Seaview and the way everyone concerned is prepared to go the extra mile for the clients. They did not need to make any political points – the facts spoke for themselves.

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